Month: January 2013

  • resolution~

    Isn't it a norm when a new year come, we have a list of to do but always carry forward to the next year, yet again.

    I always wanted to learn french. Always. But i just never made it to the language school due to procrastination but last year, i finally took up french class and sort of made good use of it in Parislaughing

    I have always wanted to join yoga class too. Joined for a month in town but the traffic was a killer and the instructor is not attentive so I quit. After that I picked up pilates, 20 classes made a.big difference to the overall figure, serious! But still, rm30 for a class is not exactly a good deal so I stopped after that.

    Now a year later, Im up for yoga again! Attended 2 classes so far and it was all good, lots of abdomen training please I want super flat abs! So now Im going 2 classes a week, and on top of that, I play badminton every Tuesday :D

    Another item on the list, checked.

    Next up, take a short course. Project management sounds interesting.

    Also, I wanna take a loooooooooooooong rest. This one is abit hard to achieve though..

    Last item, shed 2 kg off. Ultimate goal. With yoga, badminton, healthy diet, this should be achievable.

    What about you? Do you have a list too?